Friday, July 8, 2011

The Role of Project Management Training Companies in Project Management Development


For many years Project Managers learned their trade by experience, typically an Engineer would be promoted to the role of Project Manager and if they succeeded in delivering their first project they would be rewarded with larger more challenging projects (almost until they failed). Organisations, however, found this 'learning by experience' approach very expensive, because mistakes made early in a project (such as poor definition of scope or failure to understand risks) can have dramatic consequences during implementation. Since the 1990's project management has become more recognised as a profession, with widely recognised bodies of knowledge (APM, PMI & Prince 2 methodology) and associated training and certification. An understanding of these frameworks provides organisations and individuals with a structured process for the planning and execution of projects and organisations. Project Management Training has made it their business to provide class room training to teach these methods and support individuals often linked to certification. However organisations and individuals still find the ability to delivery projects successfully challenging.

The aim of this paper is to look beyond training and to the implementation of a learning culture within a world class project delivery organisation.


Training is defined by the CIPD as 'an instructor-led and content based intervention leading to a change in behaviour'; it often involves time away from the work place in a classroom or equivalent. In many organisations this is the primary form of development for employees.

Learning is defined as 'a self directed, work based process leading to an increased adaptive capacity', it involves equipping individuals with the ability to 'learn to learn' and possess the capabilities that employers need to build and sustain a competitive advantage. In a learning culture, individuals actively seek to acquire the knowledge and skills required to deliver the organisations objectives. Most individuals learn best from experience and this learning can be triggered by a wide variety of learning interventions which are integrated within the normal workplace. Along with knowledge management, 'learning' most definitely holds its place in supporting the longer term development of Project Delivery competence.

Learning Interventions

Training Companies could develop a wide range of learning interventions, including:

Action Learning

The individuals identify a particular project problem, for which they take ownership and define the steps required to resolve it. Colleagues work in learning sets (or groups) to provide support and to challenge each others approach. This provides significant benefit in identifying and addressing specific weakness within the organisation. It can free up inflexible thinking and generate radical solutions. However, clear sponsorship is needed from within the organisations and the solutions can be threatening if radical solutions emerge. Project Management Training Companies can offer support for the facilitation and formation of learning sets within an organisation, providing advice and steering in order to ensure the group maintains momentum.

Blended Learning

It is becoming increasingly more recognised that individuals learn best in small chunks of two to three hours, (school lessons have always been 30-45 minutes). Blended learning, which usually includes e-learning, enables individuals to access information in smaller chunks. Training Companies is proactively evaluating the development and deployment of both generic and bespoke e-learning solutions.

Mentoring and Coaching

Coaching is a one-to-one method of enhancing performance and skills. Coaching is usually organised as a number of short one-to-one sessions over a period of several months, in which individuals are paired with an appropriate coach. Training Companies's coaching model is a four step process including 1) Setting goals based on reality, 2) evaluating options for development, 3) committing to action and 4) reviewing outcomes. Project Management Training Companies have pilot one-to-one coaching programmes running within Transport for London. We need to evaluate the benefits of these programmes and potential market.

CPD - Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development supports the ongoing education of project managers ensuring individuals remain up to date. Within the project management community, the APM and other bodies arrange regular CPD events aimed at enhancing an individual's knowledge usually focussed towards specific knowledge areas (such as Risk, Managing Project Teams etc). Training Companies arranges their own industry specific, regular PM seminars delivered by Guest Speakers and Training Companies's own consultants. These events generally last for half a day and encourage individuals to share ideas and discuss issues within their own industry.

Within an organisation PM forums can provide a powerful way of debating and discussing issues relevant to the PM community. This can range in duration from 1 hour ('break and learn' lunchtime sessions to half day events. Highly bespoke forums can form 'surgeries' providing a safe environment for Project Managers to discuss issues.

Development (or assessment) Centres

In a development centre, individuals take part in a number of job simulations and tests observed by Consultant assessors who evaluate their performance against pre-defined criteria. The APM Practitioner Qualification is one form of assessment centre offered by Training Companies, however the feedback is based on the APM BOK and can be limited and indirect.

Some clients prefer bespoke development centres/job simulation events which focus on the key behaviours important to their own organisation, often involving senior managers from within the organisation as the observers and/or contributors. Training Companies can work with partners who have significant experience developing and delivering management development centres and these will have a pivotal role in any 'learning' solution.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge management systems encourage individuals to store, retrieve and make available information which supports the successful delivery of projects. Systems can range from template documents, lessons learned and discussion on key topics, access to key Project Management portals, websites and on-line forums. Project Management Training Companies does not currently support knowledge management systems but is investigating systems to support an alumni community which would have access to such a shared resource.


Class room based project management training is a significant improvement to 'learning on the job', providing individuals and organisations with a structured approach to project management. Looking to the future, successful project delivery will require individuals to take the learning out of the class room and apply it back in the day job. In this paper we have identified a number of learning interventions that support the shift from training to learning. Several of these will require significant development effort both in terms of approach and infrastructure. Project Management Training Companies need to seek a client partner to work on these assessing the feasibility of these approaches and define the scope of any Training Companies.
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Good Project Management Training - Skills For Success

Project Management professionals are looking out for better job opportunities. That's why a lot of them are taking Project Management Certification Exam. This makes the PMP Training and Preparation more important. So, what is a good Project Management Training?

Like any other fields, it is essential to enhance your skills every time. It will help on expanding what you have already achieved and puts you into higher position in the society. And with the fact that you are progressing into higher levels in project management, various types of PMP Preparation has been available that fits everyone.

Professionals have this one common goal in taking a PMP Course which is to learn the necessary skills for the PMP Exam. But even though everything is developing, there are still two fundamental keys you need to learn during the training: the theory and practical application. Basically, the PMP Exam is given just to test your knowledge and your ability to utilize it in different situations, whether it may be simple or complex.

This is where PMP Training comes in. If you are able to get the course acknowledged by the PMI, you will surely be successful in passing the exam - because their major goal is to develop the project management skills within you.

As a PM Professional, you are obliged to have full knowledge about handling projects' tasks smoothly and achieving successful and well-developed projects. In this training, you will be given a chance to review what you have learned about project management and be able to add more to that. Since your power is your PM knowledge, your level of training will be merged with other levels to get a good quality from the training.

Skills Taught by the Project Management Professional Training:


This Project Management job is very complex. You'll be tasked to analyze information of different forms such as diagrams and graphs. To be able to cope up with this situation, you must thoroughly understand the given information. And then decide what you are going to do with it. This is crucial because the result of your project is out of the decision you have made. This is sure an important skill to learn and taught within the course.

Analytic Thinking

This skill is essential for the development of your ability to analyze situations. PMP Training participants are taught how to divide the information appropriately to have a clear view about how to work out the given problem. Also, you will have the authority to decide the connection of different information if you are already a certified PMP.


To be able to evaluate projects correctly, you will need certain knowledge and other elements that will guide you in dealing with them such as those complicated problems; this includes social skills. You should learn how to judge ideas and data that can be useful with a particular project. Your capability to evaluate correctly matters most.

Synthetic Thinking

You will learn how to differentiate patterns and movements from projects using the information given. PMP Training will guide you in improving this important ability aside from managing project management tasks.

Whatever challenges may come, with this PMP Training, you would be able to pursue on achieving successful projects and have full assurance that you will pass the PMP Certification Exam. However, you are able to use these skills in a long run, something you can treasure for a lifetime.
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Good Project Management Training - Skills For Success

Today's manager lives in a world where change has attained Mach speeds. What holds good when you go home may not apply when you return in the morning to work place. Such a tremendous pace of change takes a heavy toll in terms of a dispirited and de energized workforce.

World class products and services can only be produced by workforce which is highly energized. And a high level of energy is derived by a skilled and knowledgeable workforce with the right attitude.

In this scenario keeping pace with the knowledge and skills for himself and of his people is the key to managerial success. An ongoing training is the answer. Each manager must ensure the up gradation of knowledge and skills at his level rather than wait for the elaborate process of need identification, evaluation and availability of trainer and schedules before any training can be implemented. Basic training skills are an essential repertoire of a successful manager.

So how does one get started?

The first step in any training process is your own Need Analysis.

Who better than you as a manager of your department or team to identify the needs and plug the gaps. The needs analysis can broadly focus on three areas.

1. Knowledge

2. Skills

3. Attitudes

Make a list of what is urgently required in any of the three areas listed above by your direct reports. The check list can clearly tell you what can be handled quickly at your end and what requires more specialized training by external sources.

Identify major gaps in skills and knowledge that can be handled by you without outside help. Attitudinal areas may be more difficult to handle at your end and more specialized intervention might be required. Skill areas may be tackled easily by yourself or one of your team members who are skilled in the desired area.

Your job is not to become a trainer full time. Look at problems which need immediate correction and focus only on them. For the more complex and long term change requirements go to your training department.

Prepare a short one or two hours a week training program to correct the gaps.

That is all it requires. You are on as a trainer.

A manager as a trainer has the distinct advantage of not having to wait for the elaborate process of identifying training needs, setting up a training calendar and selecting the trainer etc. A quick intervention at your level can make a major difference to your productivity levels. Above all a good leader needs to be a good teacher and a trainer.
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Certified Ethical Hacker Training Skills

There are many things that are possible at a click these days, thanks to the services of the internet. But along with this, there are also a number of risks and crimes related to the internet that have now increased and one of the most serious ones is hacking.

Hacking refers to entering computer systems of companies in order to get information. This is illegal and dangerous to the company and all the information that is kept with the company records. In order to prevent such an intrusion, companies are now appointing professionals who are experts in preventing hacking and these professionals are called white hat hackers or ethical hackers. This is why hacker training is becoming so popular.

Significance of programming in developing certified ethical hacker training skills

The main functionality expected out of a person who is undergoing ethical hacker training is to check the information system of an organization to test if there are any flaws in the system and also to check if there are any viruses. The certified professional is also expected to find solutions and make necessary changes so that penetration into the system is not possible by any unauthorized person. In order to be a successful ethical hacker the person taking the ethical hacker training needs to have some skills.

One of the most important skills is the knowledge of programming skills. A person who aims at getting certified ethical hacker training needs to have knowledge of programming languages like Java, C++, Perl, Python and Lisp. If you just starting afresh, then it is a good option to learn Python first because it is easy to learn and less complicated compared to the other programs. After you learn this program you can go on to learn Lisp, Perl, Java and C.

Other required skills

Apart from the above mentioned skills there are some other skills that need to be picked up as a part of honing imparted certified ethical hacker training skills. One of them is learning and understanding UNIX. This is very important because it is the very basis of the internet and without learning this operating system, rewriting and modifications are not possible. The best way of learning it is by practicing on the Linux or UNIX that is on your own computer. The next skill is to learn HTML which is very important in ethical hacker training.

If you need to have hacker training the knowledge of how to write HTML programs is a necessity. In order to understand all this and to make the ethical hacking training effective it is necessary to be fluent in English too. This is because all the resources that are available in this regard are accessible in English and if you are not fluent in the language then no amount of training can make you an expert. Also you need to develop a habit of reading and gathering information from the net because the more informed you are the better. There are many institutes that train people but a lot of work and research needs to be done on your own.
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